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Música del Pabellón de Nueva Zelanda

Avatar josejuan

Música del Pabellón de Nueva Zelanda

28 de Mayo de 2010, 13:08

OS dejo el enlace al video con la Impresionante música de

Dame Kiri Te Kanawa

canción "Voyages"

- NZ Expo 1992

En el pabellón había 3 salas.

Ésta es la sala segunda.

Voyages, featuring Kiri Te Kanawa, Howard Morrison, Expo Maori Entertainers; Kiwi Pacific Records International, 1992, CD SLC-223

Track 2

Voyages (Don McGlashan - Wayne Laird)

Score for 'Theatre 2':-

"The music represents the past 'voyages' of Polynesians and Europeans to New Zealand, and the present 'voyage' of identity as a multicultural Pacific nation. The Maori texts are traditional canoeing chants, adapted by Temuera Morrison. The English and Spanish words are from 'Landfall In Unknown Seas', written in 1942 by New Zealand's foremost poet, Allen Curnow, and used by kind permission of the author."

Soprano - Kiri Te Kanawa

Orchestra - The New Zealand Symphony

Conductor - James Furst

Choirmaster - Anthony Jennings

Haka grouplead by Temuera Morrison

Jig group - "Twisty Willow"

Tracks 1 to 5, 11, 12 - Producers:l Wayne Laird and Don McGlashan


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Avatar discober92

28 de Mayo de 2010, 21:09

Gracias, está chula

...y el Mundo vino a Sevilla a conmemorar una Era, la de los Descubrimientos